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Edinburg Child Care Inc., Food Program
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How do i open a day care home?

  1. Contact your city that you live in to find out if the zoning of your property allows you to open a day care home. They may require you to obtain a permit before you open your day care; the cost and requirements vary among cities. Contact the Fire Marshal at City Hall or the County if you live outside the City. Contact the Sanitation Department either with City or the Country. This is not required in every city.
2. Contact "Licensing", Texas Department of Family Protective Services at your respective location. Licensing will give you the requirements at the time you attend a scheduled orientation.
Rio Grande Valley: 956-316-8275, Licensing Dept. , 2520 So. "I" Rd., Edinburg.
Other valley areas Texas Department of Family Protective Services
Offices: Brownsville: 956-547-7226; Harlingen 956-412-4707
3. You must operate out of the home you live in, specifically in a residentially-zoned area.
4 Our staff will review the benefits of contracting for the food program in which you are reimbursed for certain meals served to the children that will be in you care.    Call us at 956-383-6789.
5. You must have at  minumum a high school diploma or GED in order to open a day care home.
CALL US AT 956-383-6789 OR 1-800-281-6780

Como puedo abrir una guarderia de niņos en mi casa?

  1. Comuniquese con el personal del Departamento de Planeacion en su municipio (ciudad) para determinar si la zona en la que usted vive le permite abrir una guarderia. Ellos le pueden pedir que usted obtenga un permiso antes de abrir la guarderia. El costo y requisitos varia por ciudad.
Comuniquese tambien con el area de permisos del Texas Department of Family Protective Services mas cercano. El departamento de permisos le dara los requisitos cuando usted haga la cita y asista a la orientacion.
En El Valle del Rio Grande: 956-316-8275, Departamento de Permisos 2520 So. "I" Rd., Edingburg.
Otras areas del Valle: Texas Department of Family Protective Services
Oficinas: Brownsville: 956-547-7226; Harlingen 956-412-4707
3. Usted debera operar fuera de la casa en la que vive, especificamente en una zona residencial.
4. Nuestro personal revisara los beneficios de contratar el programa de comida el cual le reembolza por ciertas comidas que le sirve a los niņos que tiene a su cargo.
5. Debera tener como minimo una educacion de Preparatoria o GED para abrir una guarderia.
Dudas o aclaraciones llamenos al 956-383-6789 / 1-800-281-6780

eating healthy since 1983